Research and Scholarship

Fending off the Resource Curse through Special Economic Zones

Economic diversity is a crucial goal for countries blessed (or cursed?) with large reserves of natural resources, such as petroleum. ... One tool countries have used to fight resource dependency is special economic zones (SEZs). For example, we have helped countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar channel state-owned oil revenues into SEZs that encourage high-tech manufacturing, ICT, clean energy industries, and other diversified sectors. In 2013 we shared some of this experience with the OECD ...

Evaluating the Global Performance of Special Economic Zones

In 2008, Locus Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier served as overall engagement manager and co-author of "Special Economic Zones: Performance, Lessons Learned, and Implication for Zone Development." The influential and comprehensive report by the the World Bank provides a global review of SEZ experience over the past 30 years. ...